Learn to use your camera like a pro. Our Photography Mastery Program will transform you into a well rounded photographer who can tackle ANY situation with confidence. It's time to have some fun and unleash your creativity.
It's time.
Take a quick look at the 12 courses that are included in our Photography Mastery Program
Section 1: Welcome
FREE PREVIEWSection 2: How to use this training
Section 3: Why Use a DSLR?
Section 4: Camera Anatomy
Section 5: Aperture Part I
Section 6: Aperture Part II
Section 7: Depth of Field - Blurry Backgrounds
FREE PREVIEWSection 8: Choosing Focus Points
Section 9: Shutter Speed Priority
Section 10: Full Manual Exposure
Section 11: ISO Sensitivity - Clear Photos in Dark Places
Section 12: White Balance
Section 13: Lens Distortion & Compression. Choosing the CORRECT Lens.
Section 14: Composition: Rule of Thirds
Section 15: Composition: Capturing Details
Section 16: Composition: Framing
Section 17: Composition: Leading Lines
Section 18: Wrapping Up
Course Notes: Digital I - Beginner Photography
Bonus Download - Action Photography
Bonus Download - Children Photography
Bonus Download - Pet Photography
Bonus Download - Architecture Photography
Bonus Download - Capturing Beauty
Section 1: Welcome!
FREE PREVIEWSection 2: Warm Up
Section 3: Understanding Motion
Section 4a: Freezing Motion
FREE PREVIEWSection 4b: Freezing Motion
Section 5: Slower Motion
Section 6: Slow Motion
Section 7: What is Exposure?
Section 8: Understanding Metering
Section 9: A Better Way - Underexposing
Section 10: A Better Way - Overexposing
Section 11: Back Light & Silhouetting
Section 12: Front & Side Light
Section 13: Back Light & Sun Starring
Section 14: Recap on Composition
Section 15: Details
Section 16: Tilting
Section 17: Wrap-Up
Course Notes: Digital II - Motion & Light
Section 1: Welcome!
FREE PREVIEWSection 2: Warm Up
Section 3: Depth of Field
Section 4a - Lens Selection (Wide)
Section 4b - Lens Selection (Zoom)
Section 5a: Composition
Section 5b: Composition
Section 6: Using your tripod
Section 7: HDR
FREE PREVIEWSection 8: Panoramas
Section 9A: Filters
Section 9B: Filters
Section 10: Wildlife Photography
Section 11: Street Photography
Section 12: Travel Photography
Section 13: Finish
Section 1: Welcome!
Section 2: Introduction
Section 3a: Posing & Communication - Communication
Section 3b: Posing & Communication - Posing
Section 3c: Posing & Communication - Groups & Couples
Section 4a: Lenses - Depth of Field
Section 4b: Lenses - Lens Distortion & Compression
Section 5: Light Sources & Directional Light
Section 6a: Reflectors - Bouncing LIght
Section 6b: Reflectors - Diffusing & Blocking Light
Section 7a: Composition Part A
Section 7b: Composition Part B
Section 8: Your Lens Buying Guide
Section 9: Finish
Section 1: Intro
Section 2: Equipment
Section 3A: Tripod Recap
Section 3B: Using a Shutter Release
Section 3C: Using the Self Timer
Section 3D: Using Manual Focus
Section 4: The 7 Step Process
Section 5A: Light Starring
Section 5B: Zoom lines
Section 5C: Zoom Lines - A Different Way
Section 5D: Light writing / Painting
Section 1: Intro
Section 2: How Lightroom Works
Section 3: Creating a Catalogue
Section 4: Importing
Section 5A: Organizing: Library Module LHS
Section 5B: Organizing: Library Module RHS
Section 5C: Organizing: Library Module Viewing & Adding Attributes
Section 5D: Organizing: Library Module Searching & Workflow
Section 6A - Editing - Left Hand Side & View Modes
Section 6B - Editing - Basic Panel
Section 6C - Editing - Right Hand Side - Editing Panel
Section 6D - Editing - Right Hand Side - Editing Panel (Continued)
Section 6E - Editing - Right Hand Side - Editing Panel (Continued)
Section 7A - Examples
Section 7B - Examples
Section 8 - Exporting
Lightroom II - Section 1: Intro
Lightroom II - Section 2: Tone Curve
Lightroom II - Section 3: Colour Grading
Lightroom II - Section 4: Detail
Lightroom II - Section 5: Lens Corrections
Lightroom II - Section 6: Transform
Lightroom II - Section 7: Calibration
Lightroom II - Section 8: Example Workflowing
Lightroom II - Section 9: Example - Editing
Lightroom II - Section 10: Example - Editing
Lightroom II - Section 11: Example - Editing
Lightroom II - Section 12: Finish
Macro - Section 1: Intro
Macro - Section 2: What is Macro Photography
Macro - Section 3: Equipment
Macro - Section 4: Understanding Your Macro Lens
Macro - Section 5A: Setup Intro
Macro - Section 5B: Setting Up Your Tripod
Macro - Section 5C: Using Manual Focus
Macro - Section 5D: Using a Shutter Release
Macro - Section 5E: Using the Self Timer
Macro - Section 6: Depth of Field
Macro - Section 7: Putting it all together
Macro - Section 8: Composition
Macro - Section 9: Getting Creative
Macro - Section 10: Finish
Astro - Section 1: Intro
Astro - Section 2A: Choosing a location
Astro - Section 2B: Equipment
Astro - Section 2C: Using Your Tripod
Astro - Section 2D: Using a Shutter Release
Astro - Section 2E: Using The Self Timer
Astro - Section 2F: Using Manual Focus
Astro - Section 2G: Lens Selection
Astro - Section 3: Hyperfocal Distance
Astro - Section 4: Setting up Your Composition
Astro - Section 5: Capturing Stars
Astro - Section 6: Capturing Star Trails
Astro - Section 7: Getting Creative
Astro - Section 8: The Moon
Astro - Section 9: Editing
Astro - Section 10: Finish
Business Skills Workbook - DOWNLOAD ME FIRST!
Business Skills - Intro
Business Skills - Part 1: Goal Setting
Business Skills - Part 2: The Journey To Profit
Business Skills - Part 3: Getting Set Up
Business Skills - Part 4: Pricing
Business Skills - Part 5: Marketing
Business Skills - Part 6: Customer Service
Business Skills - Part 7: The $
Business Skills - Part 8: The Plan
Business Skills - Finish
You're Enrolled!
You're Enrolled!
Find Your Camera Guides
Canon - EOS 70D
Canon - Rebel T3i
Canon - Rebel T5i
Canon - Rebel T6
Nikon - D3300
Nikon - D3400
Nikon - D3500
Nikon - D750
Sony - Alpha 58
Sony Alpha 5000
Add our Certification Assessment and earn your LPC Professional Photographer Certificate
Choosing is hard - let's make it easy
100% satisfaction guaranteed. You have 14 days to decide. If, in that time, you don't enjoy our course we'll refund you.
Simple content that's easy to understand. We've done this a few times before (over 2,800 students), and we promise a course that is easy to follow.
Amazing, ongoing support. We're here to help. Ask us anything, and we'll answer. You're about to join a community of instructors and photographers who want to help you succeed.
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